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The Carrier Dealers of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire & Maine.

Heating Systems

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps save money.No matter the size of your home — or your budget — you will want to know about Carrier’s newest alternative to traditional furnaces.


Carrier’s engineers have developed technology that turns the simple heat pump — traditionally thought of just for apartments and condos — into an efficient, quiet, and powerful heating and cooling system for homes of most sizes. The difference? It’s what we call “Greenspeed Intelligence.”

Sensing the conditions in your living space, an Infinity heat pump with Greenspeed Intelligence adapts to those very conditions — running at 40% capacity, 100%, or anything in-between. The result? Precise temperature, quiet operation, and efficiency levels up to 69% greater than other ducted air source heat pumps. And here's the big plus: added air conditioning, at no extra charge!

A New England Carrier dealer can explain more, and answer all your questions. Contact one today.

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Our team of expert Carrier dealers are hand-selected for their expert understanding of home comfort technology. They’re the most experienced and skilled HVAC contractors you will find. Click here to find one near you.